Even before COVID-19 surfaced, the move toward digital agriculture was certain. “It’s hard to see how you’re going to be a successful farmer in the future without greater technology adoption on the farm,” says Sam Taylor, analyst—farm inputs for Rabobank. Digital tools such as artificial intelligence that alert farmers to be preemptive about pest treatments […]
F³ Tech Pre-Accelerator Company, ATP,-MD Tapped to Join Exelon Climate Change Investment Initiative (2c2i).
Joseph James and startup ATP-MD seeks to commercialize a recently-patented Combined Remediation Biomass and Bio-Product Production (CRBBP) Process, for an innovative application on-site, at coal-fired power plants, to reduce their adverse environmental impacts. ATP-MD participated in F³ Tech’s 2019 Pre-Accelerator program. Being accepted into the Climate Change Investment Initiative will go a long way in […]
New Video Highlights F³ Tech Portfolio Company Ovipost
MidAtlantic Farm Credit (MAFC) has just released a new video on the 2019 Ag Showcase held at the Rural Maryland Council’s Rural Summit in December. The video highlights the Crowd Choice, Ovipost, a company that participated in the 2019 F³ Tech Accelerator. Ovipost’s Trina Chiasson, Founder and CEO, takes a technological approach to the process […]
Robots on the rise
Nine companies are working to automate farm chores like picking rocks or maneuvering a grain cart. @F3TechMD #agtech #agritech #agribusiness #f3tech Source: Robots on the rise
You May Be Overlooking One Key Factor In Hydroponics: Water Quality
Since water is the main carrier of nutrients, it’s essential that the water have as few impurities as possible. Poor water quality may cause plants to suffer from stunted growth, nutrient deficiencies, bacterial contamination and more! Water quality is frequently overlooked by new hydroponic farmers. Most people assume their tap water will work perfectly well. […]
Summer Speaker Series: Tackling Environmental Challenges Through Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Bethesda Green is very excited to announce the launch of its 2020 Summer Speaker Series: Tackling Environmental Challenges Through Sustainable Entrepreneurship. In this five-part series, which kicks off July 28th, they are bringing together founders, industry experts, and policy makers for conversations that will inspire, motivate, and educate all who attend. Series #1: Building a […]
Funding and Support for Early-stage Companies; Interview with the Program Director of F3 Tech Accelerator
F3 Tech Accelerator connects industry to innovators through mentorship, professional services for early-stage companies and funding. Chris Hlubb, the program director of F3 Tech Accelerator shares more details with us in an exclusive interview with TechBullion. Please tell us more about yourself. Chris Hlubb. I was attracted to F3 when I returned home a few […]
Farm Bureau Seeks Entrepreneurs Addressing Farm and Rural Challenges
The American Farm Bureau Federation, in partnership with Farm Credit, has opened online applications for the 2021 Farm Bureau Ag Innovation Challenge. This national business competition showcases U.S. startup companies that are addressing challenges faced by America’s farmers, ranchers and rural communities. Farm Bureau will award $145,000 in startup funds provided by sponsors Farm Credit, […]
Startup Spotlight: How Solectrac wants to drive on-farm sustainability with its electric tractors
A few decades ago, the idea of self-driving tractors may have sounded like science fiction. Today, tractors are taking on new futuristic shapes and forms. While a number of startups are fast at work developing autonomous tractors, others are tackling sustainability-related aspects of these fuel-hungry machines. Fossil fuels account for the largest source of greenhouse […]
Electric Vehicles in Agriculture: Now Is the Time, Reports IDTechEx
Cars electrify, now farm vehicles. The new 215-page IDTechEx report, “Electric Vehicles and Robotics in Agriculture 2020-2030” explains. This is a drill-down from the popular report, “Electric Vehicles in Construction, Agriculture and Mining 2020-2030”. Even in the most advanced countries, few farms can provide the power to fast-charge a Tesla or an electric tractor, let […]