You May Be Overlooking One Key Factor In Hydroponics: Water Quality

Since water is the main carrier of nutrients, it’s essential that the water have as few impurities as possible. Poor water quality may cause plants to suffer from stunted growth, nutrient deficiencies, bacterial contamination and more!
Water quality is frequently overlooked by new hydroponic farmers.
Most people assume their tap water will work perfectly well.
But that isn’t always the case.
The quality of tap water varies by city and town.
And because water is the main ingredient in hydroponic systems (“hydro” does mean “water” after all), you really shouldn’t be leaving your crops to the mercy of your city’s government.
Just because tap water is pure enough for humans to drink, doesn’t mean it’s pure enough for your hydroponic system.

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Source: You May Be Overlooking One Key Factor In Hydroponics: Water Quality


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