Bethesda Green is very excited to announce the launch of its 2020 Summer Speaker Series: Tackling Environmental Challenges Through Sustainable Entrepreneurship.
In this five-part series, which kicks off July 28th, they are bringing together founders, industry experts, and policy makers for conversations that will inspire, motivate, and educate all who attend.
Series #1: Building a More Flexible, Efficient, and Sustainable Food System:
- Session #1– Addressing Food Waste from Farm-to-Table in times of COVID-19on Tuesday, July 28th, 3-4:15pm ET
- Session #2 – From Packaging to Ingredients: Knowing When to Spend Money on Sustainabilityon Tuesday, August 4th, 3-4:15pm ET
- Session #3–Feeding 450M Americans by 2050 on Tuesday, August 11th, 3-4:15pm ET
Series #2: Establishing a Circular Economy
- Session #1 – How Fashion can Embrace Sustainability and the Circular Economyon Thursday, August 6th, 1-2:15pm ET
- Session #2 – The Business Models, Innovations, and Policies Needed to Build a Circular Economy on Thursday, August 13th, 1-2:15pm ET