Bayer Foundation creates EUR 20 million Social Innovation ecosystem fund to spur entrepreneurship for African smallholder farmers

Beykam Diaw, with millet harvest, Toubatoul, Senegal, 2017 The Bayer Foundation today launched its new EUR 20 million Social Innovation ecosystem fund by awarding EUR 3 million to four pioneering social innovators – myAgro, MercyCorps, Path and Living Goods. The fund aims to scale up technology and entrepreneurial solutions that empower African smallholder farmers to […]

SBIR/STTR Innovation Summit in Maryland – OCT 8-10

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are the nation’s largest source of early stage, high risk research and development funding for small businesses. These programs provide more than $3.5 billion annually in competitive awards, enabling entrepreneurs to develop new technologies and ultimately facilitate the commercialization of innovation. Attendees […]

Science and Technology Abounds at USDA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is at the forefront of science and technology research. This video shows some of the ways that USDA is doing cutting-edge work in this area. #f3techMD #usda #agriculture #technology #innovation

Combining Artificial Intelligence With Urban Farming Can Be A Game Changer for Developing Countries

An Israeli agtech company called Seedo might have the solution for the challenges of urban agriculture in vulnerable areas such as the Caribbean, that struggle with environmental and climate factors that lead to crop loss. @f3techMD #agritech #agriculture #maryland #israel #urbanagriculture Source: Combining Artificial Intelligence With Urban Farming Can Be A Game Changer for Developing […]

The Race to Produce the World’s First Farm-Raised Octopus

Commercial-scale octopus aquaculture could save wild populations—but is not only extremely difficult, but raises major ethical concerns. @f3techMD #aquaculture #maryland #chesapeakebay Source: The Race to Produce the World’s First Farm-Raised Octopus | Time

Do you have a technology relevant to regenerative agriculture? Join us!

Our soil is in crisis. The UN estimates we only have 60 years left of topsoil left if we continue current farming practices. Enter Regenerative Agriculture, a farming approach aiming to rebuild soil health and farming communities, while also supporting carbon sequestration and reversing climate change. Regenerative agriculture is having a moment and is of increasing focus […]

Farming is the world’s most important career — that’s why it needs a new image

Back in 1870, almost half the U.S. workforce was employed in agriculture — today just two percent of Americans work on farms. Over the decades, some people were driven away by mechanization, lured to cities by the promise of better paying jobs. More recently, trade wars, tariffs, volatile crop prices and declining profit margins have increased risk for farmers — and […]

How TERRA helps GrainCorp keep up with speed of technology change

Like most corporates the size of GrainCorp and many of the world’s agribusinesses, the company is not positioned or organized in a way that makes it possible to survey the startup scene as often as necessary. Step in TERRA, the accelerator from RocketSpace and Rabobank. @f3techMD #agritech #feed Source: How TERRA helps GrainCorp keep up […]