Should You Stop Eating Red Meat?

Nutrition research is consistently conflicting. Everything from a study’s design to the way its data is analyzed can affect the outcome of a particular experiment—hence the frustrating and common phenomenon where something considered healthy today is condemned tomorrow. Source: Should You Stop Eating Red Meat? | Time


Join F³ Tech and thought leaders in agritech, aquatech, and envirotech to explore an exciting emerging market set to transform the agriculture industry and the world. New concepts like automation and robotics, data and analytics, synthetic biology, and vertical farming are transforming the way that food is produced. A growing population, climate change, urbanization, and […]

Agriculture Law Education Initiative Conference – Nov 14

The annual Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference is a unique gathering of agricultural professionals, attorneys, educators, environmentalists, farmers, policymakers, and students to discuss the complex intersection of environmental regulation and agriculture in Maryland. ALEI prides itself on hosting an event that brings farming and conservation experts together in a forum that allows for an exchange […]

Southern Maryland Agricultural Marketing Conference – Nov 15

SMADC is hosting an Agricultural Marketing Conference on Friday, November 15th from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM at the College of Southern Maryland in Prince Frederick. This conference is designed for both beginning and experienced growers and farmers looking to brush up on their marketing skills before the 2020 season takes off. “This is SMADC’s […]

Get Connected with SVG Ventures-THRIVE

Together with investment and innovation, we can solve the world’s toughest challenges. We’ll keep you in the loop with our latest news in the fastest growing sector. Food and agriculture is a $7.8 trillion industry. AgriFood Tech investment continues to break records, reaching a staggering $17 billion! @f3techMD #svg #thrive #agritech #aquatech Source: Welcome to SVG Ventures-THRIVE

Take the Mighty Cricket Challenge!

Take the #CricketChallenge the month of October at 50+ restaurants, cafes, and bars across St. Louis. Try new dishes and enter to win dining gift cards. @f3tech #insects Source: Take the Mighty Cricket Challenge!

10 technologies that could combat climate change as food demand soars

A new study from the World Bank and UN finds we’ll need ways to boost yields faster than ever before to prevent agricultural emissions from soaring. @f3techMD #agritech #increasedyields Source: 10 technologies that could combat climate change as food demand soars – MIT Technology Review

Future Food: Klaus Kunz on how Bayer is cleaning up its act

Klaus does a great job explaining how invested Bayer is in helping smallholder farmers to thrive in the present day (compared to its humble beginnings churning out its most well-known product, aspirin, before the turn of the 19th century). And he tells us how he plans to operate Bayer’s new business models based on the […]