The FY2020 NOAA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Phase I research has been released. Sea Grant programs, in collaboration with private sector partners, have been successful in these competitions in the past.
Research topics in this SBIR opportunity include:.
- 9.1.01 Tool Development of Aquaculture Farm Management
- 9.1.02 Disease in Aquatic Organisms
- 9.1.03 Aquaculture Genetic Tools
- 9.2.02 Low-cost Wireless Temperature and Depth Sensor Package for Deployment on Fishing Gear
- 9.2.03 Automating Bearing and Distance Measurements in Big-Eye 25 x 150 Binoculars and Recording/Saving Images
- 9.2.04 Underwater Adhesive for Coral Restoration
- 9.2.05 Rapid Detection of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in the Marketplace
This NOFO seeks to fund Phase I research projects for up to $150,000 with up to a six (6) month period of performance. The purpose of Phase I is to determine the scientific, technical, and commercial merit and feasibility of the proposed research and the quality of performance of the small business concern receiving an award. Therefore, the proposal should concentrate on research that will significantly contribute to proving the feasibility of the proposed research, a prerequisite to further support in Phase II.
The closing date for submissions is February 3, 2020. Additional details can be found at the following [] link: []
For questions or additional information, contact Doug Bell in the National Sea Grant Office ([email protected] []).
@F3TechMD @noaa #sbir #aquacutlure